Racing Championship of Poland

charciki wloskie na torze

Last Saturday in Bytom we were at Racing Championship of Poland. Two of our girls took part of competition and they did really great job.

♛ Zula – 1/4, CCWC & again she become Racing Champion of Poland – this time 2017. It’s another year when she got both polish titles – coursing & racing. As usual she makes history.

♛ Fifi 2/4, resCCWC & Racing Vice Champion 2017. Yesterday she also finished Polish Race Championship as third italian sighthound in Chartbeat team.

♛ Taffy – did racing license in wonderful style – she is a real fighter.

♛ Uma, Uhura & Makita had great training runs so I hope our racing team will be bigger next year.

I am more than happy & proud, I just love my rocket girls to the moon and back! It is really nice summary of their & our hard work in this season which is coming to the end soon.

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